Swisscoin is a new cryptocurrency that is based out of Switzerland with several partners from Germany

Swisscoin is a new cryptocurrency that is based out of Switzerland with several partners from Germany, we have over 5000 partners that are backing up the coin from start and our CEO is Werner Marquetant, also swiss resident. 


Cryptocurrency, witch is digital money was first created in 2009 from the underlying technology blockchain. Bitcoin was the first to enter the market and as many now, bitcoin started trading at $0.02 and 4 years later it was traded at over $1100 - todays value is close to $700 - many people made a fortune on Bitcoin being the early adapters/investors
The reason the value of a cryptocurrency goes up like this is because it is set by supply and demand, there is a limited output of the quantity of the coin meaning that the more people want to mine and own the coin, the higher the price becomes..
These are facts that we have seen the last year with several cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, etherum, onecoin, and many more.
Swisscoin is as i said a brand new cryptocurrency, we pre launched May 1th and our blockchain went live and started mining the first batch of coin on saturday June 4th. and members of Swisscoin are today mining this coin at lowest possible value at 0.01 euro, expected value in 2018 is Close to €5, in 2020 €10 and still rising.
This means we actually now have the opportunity to be with a cryptocurrency from birth!
The company have a strategy to grow the network and and value of the coin, and create a global acceptance of the coin, this is why we have chosen to continue with the network marketing concept. As cryptocurrency is still so fresh/new to many many people, we belive that education, knowledge and information on the field is very important in order to understand how to profit, this is why we have a product in shape of online education in cryptocurrency and blockchain.
This is why we offer our members comission on the work they do, so if you chose to share this business, learn and teach others on how they can profit from investments and trading with cryptocurrecies, you get paid daily comission.
I will explain the compensation plan in-depth further down.
The product that we/Swisscoin offers to it´s members is different levels of educational packs within cryptocurrency and finance, an academy for you to learn more and how to profit big from trading with cryptocurrency, so that one can educate themselves on the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency wich is by guarantee the future of payments.
These educational packages range from €25 and up to €15.000, the first purchase comes with an activation fee of €25 - So if you where to purchase a €25 educational pack the first time, you would pay a total of €50 (€25 + €25).
In the pack you purchase you will also receive "tokens" that are used to calculate how many Swisscoin you get in the mining system. One token can say to be valued at €0.1
This means that if you Invest €500, you will recieve 5000 tokens in this particular package. You will also recieve a bonus from company called a "split" in your pack (a split is the company bonus that will double up your tokens giving you a totalt of 10.000 tokens)
Since we are in such an early stage, we are mining the coin at lowest rate possible (1/1 in difficulty) this means you pay one token for 1 Swisscoin in the mining process.
As more people join Swisscoin to mine the coin, the diffficulty will increase, next difficulty rate will be 2/1 meaning you give two tokens for 1 Swisscoin. The difficulty increases as the value of the coins increases.
If we calculate with the example of the €500 investment in Swisscoin education package, you would recieve a total of 10.000 Swisscoins after the mining as you submitted 10.000 tokens, and as the value of the coin increases over time, so does the value of your total amount of coin
When Swisscoin is valued at only €1, you investment of €500 will be worth €10.000
In 2018 we expect to be valued at closer to €5 per coin and still rising, meaning your investmentment
 of €500 would the be worth €50.000